Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Slugness has set in

We have a house full of slugs at the moment.  We lay around, cook a bit, eat a lot and enjoy each others' company.  Mike and Beth are landing in the next few minutes and Dave and Andy are off to pick them up.  I have just made beef and noodles and fried potatoes with green onions--I don't know why but potatoes sounded good to me and right.

Tonight the table will be full of family.  Another beef tenderloin for the beef-loving family... mashed potatoes and peas and salad.  I am not over-doing it for sure.

Wednesday the Florida family leaves and peace of sorts descends on Many Branches once more.

There will be NO activity New Years Eve.  We will welcome the new year with a calm demeanor. 2017 was a great year.  I wish you all wellness and happiness in 2018.

Picture from my new favorite book French Country Cooking~

Image may contain: food

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...