Monday, February 4, 2013


Our son, Mike, and his wife, Beth, have been working with ten or more inner city children and every Tuesday the children arrive by any means possible for a good meal and an outing or if it is a holiday, a party.  I think it is an inspiring and valuable endeavor, so I have volunteered Skyline chili (what else?) for this Tuesday. I am also planning ham and beans for next Tuesday, so I hope they like my cooking.  Maybe a batch of brownies...hmm. I may be into this.These children are so in need and they love to spend time with Mike and Beth.  It is heart breaking to think what they must be going through in the in-between times. The food pantry is running low on supplies, so I want to help out.  (I'll ask them to take some pictures tomorrow.)

We are in for another snow today.  This has been a really snowy winter so far.  We don't usually get this much, but luckily it has not been so deep that it has stalled the city.  It is good cooking and reading and cleaning weather. Or we should maybe take it easy....

Brooks, Beth's son, is in his frst year at the Citadel.  He has been award a gold star and a free educational ride for his outstanding 3.8  grade point average. Beth did a good job laying the ground for him and we are proud of both of them.

Ok...Proud moment. Brooks received his "GOLD STAR"!! 3.8 GPA!!

PhotoBeth and Brooks.

Mennonite girls can cook's web site had this fabulous picture of a home made pizza.  It looks better than any delivered pizza, don't you think?  I made some pizza dough from scratch and will see if I can make mine look this pretty (and delicious).

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...