Tuesday, April 27, 2021

What's next?


Epicurious stops the publication of beef recipes... Every morning when I get up I find another pleasure has been taken away from the American people or threatened to be taken away if radicals have their way. And, their way is prevailing on many fronts. I am not sure how many people read Epicurious now days, or if ever, but it provided the means for a head shake and a what's next from me this morning. I bet the Drummond family from the Pioneer Woman franchise is nervous; cows are very important to that empire, and Ree Drummond is very important to Bravo.

Flowers are still allowed, however, maybe they will just ban the edible ones. Sigh.'

Our yard was full again yesterday with four men opening, draining, and replacing the pool liner which was supposed to last seven years and lasted seventeen and still did not have a leak. Watching paint dry and watching the pool fill equaled excitement for the day.  It will take another couple of days to get where it should be but it is looking spiffy.

We started filling the big planters yesterday.  Lowe's had the best selection but we are keeping our eyes out for the other store's offerings. I think we will go out again today because what we bought is sorted and planted.

I have to tell on Andy.  He turned the soup on high and walked away.  I came into the kitchen to steam and a ruined soup pot...my favorite one. I will forgive him if he takes me flower shopping today. We are going to have to watch that stove thing.  It is so easy to get distracted with everything that is going on in this world.  It is one distraction after another. That's why I walk around with a timer.  It keeps me alert and watchful.
Good luck today. Maybe buy some beef.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...