Saturday, August 8, 2020

Getting ready for company at last

Yesterday I made two crock pots of soups: chicken and noodles and hodgepodge.  The latter was entirely eaten last evening so I made another pot this morning.  It burbled away while I did another cold Italian salad to go with the brunch frittatas for tomorrow's arrivals. Notice the baby corn; I adore products from Jake and Amos, I think it is an Amish company.  Fell in love with their baby corn and the marinade in which they rest.  I could eat the entire jar.  All of their products are good but expensive unless you go to an Amish store, then the products are more than reasonable.  I ordered several from Amazon because I did not want to go into a store if I could help it.  So I paid more but they were delivered the next day right to my door. Love Amazon too. In this salad, I used the juice from the jar of baby corn and let it rest and mingle until Sunday morning when guests arrive for the first time since July 2019.  What a world. When I waved the July 4th guests good-bye last year I had no idea, nor did anyone, what hell we were in for and now it is upon us.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...