Thursday, December 19, 2019

Corned beef and cabbage

Not a fancy dish today, corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots.  I saw this nice brisket at Sam's and thought of Matt, our grandson who loves the dish sans the cabbage.  What is it about the cabbage family that turns so many people off?  Maybe it is difficult to digest?  I don't know but it is nearly (not quite but nearly) worth it when it is prepared correctly.

The snow is sticking around even though the sun is out and doing its job.  I think we are having a heat wave tomorrow, it is to be 40 degrees.

Do you know we have added three new people to our family circle this year?  Mckenna, our second girl and great-granddaughter, Alyssa's husband, Josh, and Brooks' wife Carly. There is no end to where this can go size-wise.  We still have three unmarried grandsons.  Yiiikes.  Many Branches will have many more branches added to its tree of life.

I have the rib roast marinating in a wonderful concoction of herbs, salt pepper, garlic, and olive oil.  The cranberry sauce is finished and in the fridge.  The cheesecakes are done.  I decided to have those instead of tiramisu this year. Just three appetizers, the scallops with bacon and a cheese and fruit platter...oh and an antipasto plate. I can't stop myself.

Hope all is going well for you all.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...