Friday, October 12, 2018

What now?

Things are a-changing.  Matt and Stacy closed yesterday on their first home and we are all a-titter planning on getting them settled.  Matt and I will be shopping for a washer and dryer Sunday while the rest of the crew have their jobs of help lined up as well.  Saturday in the main house the gas men will be in the house checking on everything before turning on the new gas line.  We have so few gas using items that should go pretty smoothly.  Especially since we just had a new gas line put in two years ago.

Andy and I are going to Sam's today.  That is always an adventure and I think fish chowder will be in order for the evening meal.  I love cooking in the fall and winter and usually have something burbling in the crock pot.

We ordered Madeleine a Buckeyes cheerleading outfit and are looking forward to seeing her in that on OSU football days.  Andy and his brother Jimmy are going to the game Saturday.  We share the season pass with our Cincinnati family.

Have you heard of Amish oatmeal pie?  On my Facebook there is a picture of one and the link for the recipe.  I think it would be delicious.  When things settle down (if ever) I may tackle that.

I'll let you know what is going on at Sam's today.

To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...