Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Seafood in New Orleans

Two of my grandsons will be joining us in New Orleans and while the rest of the family go to a birthday party in Mississippi Nate, Adam, and I are going out for dinner at this great seafood place that Alyssa and Josh took us to last time.  It is called Boil Seafood House on Magazine Street. I did not get my fill of seafood in Italy which was disappointing.  I was all set for dinner after dinner of seafood. The truth is that tour food is not always the best offerings of a destination that has an influx of tourists a great part of the year. (We made up for that in fun.)

I am a cooking machine of late.  Besides the Chicken pot pies, Which are gone, by the way, I made mushroom soup today. I have to slow down we can't eat that much food yet I cook on.

I can no longer struggle through The Queen's Gambit so I traded it in on Lee Child's newest book. It is not bad, not as good as a load of his other books, but it is keeping my attention.

We voted today.  The process has really tightened up.  There are several steps to go through now so it does not seem that there could be any cheating afoot. Identification was required and I think that is a good thing.  The identification was scanned into the computer and then it is hard to tell where it will go. Anyway, it seemed very secure.

Have you watched the series Poldark?  It is on public television on Sunday nights.  You can view it on Amazon Prime.  Do start with series one it makes it even more interesting.  I think there are six seasons and this current one is sadly the last.  I really recommend this.

Andy is off to class.  He is still going to The Ohio State for his classes.  It keeps him alert and happy. The deer are all over the property today. Three in the backyard and one at the driveway gate wanting through that way.  The dogs scared them off.  If the deer had seen the dogs it would have laughed...a Yorkie and a Jack Russell, not much muscle power.

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To the doctor

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