Saturday, August 17, 2019

Robber alert

There is never a dull moment at Many Branches. So much has been going on since July 4th that I forgot to tell you the latest.  One morning a couple of weeks ago we got up and there were garden tools strewn around the yard and some even in the pool.  But the glaring thing was the absence of our golf cart which we use to get to the far reaches of the property and to use as a garden cart.  It was gone, key and all, of course.  The double wrought iron gate was open and away the robber went on a stealing spree covering several miles.  What he did not realize was there are cameras everywhere and they caught him driving up in a golf cart, getting out and shining a light inside various cars to see what he could steal.  He had loaded a 24 pack of water that he had stolen on the back and it made for an entertaining video which shot around Columbus and on Facebook like crazy. At 7:00 am I called Clinton Township police and they sent a guy out almost before I could get dressed for the day.  Within four hours they had located the golf cart sitting incongruously in front of a dilapidated apartment complex and the policeman who found it drove it to the police station. (How it still had power is amazing because we are talking miles.) They called to let us know they had found it and I then called Eric, our yard man, who owns a flat bed to ask him to pick it up.  Then I thought I had better not send two strangers to a police station with a flatbed truck to pick up a stolen golf cart.  So Andy rode with our Mexican friends to the police station and now it is home safe and sound and we got 24 bottles of free water which we are afraid to drink...never know where it has been.

I just finished The Secret Letter by Debbie Rix.  It was a beautiful and compelling story.

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To the doctor

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