Sunday, May 13, 2018

Ahhh, nature

Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Nature has taken over Many Branches and there are so many things going on that I have neglected the blog.  Only one person has asked about the blog, so maybe people are not interested in it anymore.  I will try it a few more times, but if the interest is gone I have posted over 500 times in the past so there will be plenty to read anyway.

The painter finally finished.  So many jobs are filled everyone is working six and seven days a week.  It took forever for him to finish the pergola, I actually changed the time of the pool opening 3 times and they were really getting feisty with me on the fourth call. So, Wednesday is the day and it is also the day for Eric's yard crew and the hauling away of the extra large brush pile in the back.  Also the tractor, mower pick up.  I threw a rod while's that for  mechanic talk?  Monday, tomorrow, is the only quiet day this week.  Now I am missing the slow, silent winter days of hunkering down with a book.

There is bird do everyplace.  Every bird and bug wants to live here and some even prefer to live inside, so yes, the sugar ants people have been here already.  This is a zoo!  Winston has thrown up for two days straight.  I think he is okay now and luckily we missed having to take him to the vet.  I wonder if his stomach could not take the $20. a pill trifecta of flea, tick and heartworm medicine we have to give each of the dogs once a month.  Yes, $20 per pill!!! And you wonder why I have not posted?  That's not all. The floors have to be done on the 17th, not all of them but enough to make me want to get a gun.  Then the rug cleaners, after all, Winston tried to hit every area rug in the house. Did I mention that hundreds of dollars worth of plants that needed planting and arranging? I know boo-hoo, I am lucky we are able to take care of all of this, it just feels like a lot all at once and I am not as young as I used to be...yes, pull out the old card why don't I?

On the plus side, The guys are taking Beth and  me to a fancy lunch at Smith and Wollensky today.  We will see what fresh hell befalls us from that experience. Note: WOW if you go there you better have plenty of money! Andy and I shared Chateaubriand for $100. All the steaks, which were delicious, were near and well over $50. each for one steak. I just don't see it. It was nice one time, but that's it for Andy and me.

 A sly Robin planted a nest on the kitchen door wreath. One baby has already been born and there are two more eggs. So we are creeping around our own door trying to get in and out without disturbing her.

A sly Robin planted a nest on the kitchen door wreath. One baby has already been born and there are two more eggs. So we are creeping around our own door trying to get in and out without disturbing her.

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