Saturday, February 17, 2018

Shrimp plus pasta alfredo

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Remember the corn chowder I posted yesterday?  Well, we had some left over.  I planned shrimp alfrado for the next dish and since the chowder was so creamy, I added it to the pasta and shrimp and Bob's your uncle, an entire new dish and delicious to boot. What a combination, especially if you use Trader Joe's Australian shrimp. (The shrimp... frozen, of course, but the flavor is really tasty.)

If I am not cooking, I am squirting my new eyes and watching Netflix without glasses.  I am also writing this blog without glasses, in fact, I don't need glasses at all but find my self searching for them and putting them on for good measure.  I will have to hide them to break the habit.

Currently I am watching Hart of Dixie on Netflix and am enjoying it very much.  It's light, it's happy, and it is more interesting than the Hallmark made for TV movies they show endlessly.  I have a hint from someone that Money Heist should be my next one.  I've rewatched the Tutors which is a favorite of mine. (I also like Victoria on the public TV channel 34 here.)  Tutors is more in all ways, but Victoria is not bad.  Doc. Martin,  also on public WOSU TV has been watched by the Lechler several times. Don't miss that one.  Frankly, the 2017 and beginning 2018 TV programs are just awful, so Netflix has been comforting.  We never watch TV during the day, but with our pre dinner cocktail we watch a couple of favorite 'news' type shows and the Olympics. (Like the Queen, we enjoy gin and tonic.)

Here are some other Netflix shows I have enjoyed:
Velvet; Borgias (you need a strong stomach for these despicable people); Cable Girls; Mind Hunters; The Paradise; REIGN (it is really good); The Killing; The Great British Baking Show; Queen of the South; The Big Family Cooking Show; House of Cards, of course; Anna Karenina.  There, that should keep you busy.  I have to take the lucious apple pie cake out of the oven. Will write later.

Cake using apple pie filling.  It's yummy. Let me know if you want this simple recipe.
Image may contain: food

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