Thursday, January 11, 2018

Sheet pan dinner

Sometimes when you are really hungry but too lazy to fix a big meal or to even order take-out a sheet pan appears in your hands and you begin to load it up with everything you are hankering. Last night was such a night.  The last of Christmas has finally left Many Branches, along with the snow, and Andy was even sitting outside studying yesterday, so he was ready for a good meal too. First, one of Trader Joe's marinated pork loins went on the pan--it is like a little long log, just enough for the family for one meal. (When finished it is cut into medallions.)  This one had been marinated in peppercorns and garlic and it was at room temperature so it would roast fast and thoroughly.  Next mustard covered potatoes with salt and pepper, cut into quarters hit the pan.Then big florets of cauliflower nestled beside the pork.  Then carrots with olive oil, salt and pepper and sliced onions finished it off along with fresh herbs.  A slice of pepper bacon topped the pork and another slice cut in bits scattered over the potatoes and Bob's your uncle, in it went at 375 degrees and strangely enough the meat came out first and was put to rest while everything else roasted to perfection. Everyone was satisfied and it was effortless. If there happens to be anything left, it will morph into a soup the next day.

Tonight pasta alfredo with shrimp and chicken.  I am cooking from the freezer so the first things I see when I open the door determines what's for dinner.

This is not a pretty time of year, so the meals should be pretty to cheer everyone up.  That is not always possible with various schedules, but it's a try. Andy is back at OSU with a big schedule. He is once again the teachers' pet.  They do love having him in class and I love having him current, alert, and on foot.

A classmate posted this picture of the town square where I grew up. Thanks, Sarah.

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