Sunday, June 4, 2017

A lot of this and that~

This Sunday finds everyone scattered hither and yon, so Andy and I have had a good, quiet time for the second weekend in a row.  We like it a bit more rowdy, however, so we look forward to people coming home:
 those in Cincinnati, Matt and Stacy from a wedding up north, Beth in New Orleans...

I wanted to get the fish of the week in so I made a big seafood chowder and it went down very well.  I use a wide variety of seafood that I have available, make a good base, and before you know it the soup/chowder is done.  The thing I have been neglecting is the area of baking.  I just feel stubborn about it, so I have neglected that arena for some strange reason.

We finally have the outdoors in good shape thanks to Johnny's loan of a really good guy.  I feed him well, so he likes coming here.  We are ready to put in a pretty large area in asparagus.  We have not been able to grow it, so we are determined after eating the very delicious gift of asparagus from Stacy's mother's husband.

We finally have our accounts in order after the hacking, so our nerves are being given a rest.  We do have a car buying saga coming up and I do wish they would just drive a nice car specific to our specifications right to the door, pick up the check and say goodbye for another few years...but nooooooooo.
We have to draw it out, offer and counter offer, make deals, sign a thousand papers, sit in an office while they pretend to get us the best deal which they know ahead of time, and then hope for the best.

  We sat in the bank a total of nine hours with the banking fraud fiasco and the poor personal banker even took another job at the end of our last session.  As I looked around for the next personal banker they all seemed to find something interesting on the floor under their desks.  One head finally popped up and I said, " you are next."  He blanched.

I finished the new season of House of Cards.  If there is a couple out there like the Underwoods, RUN.  However, it is a great series and I am sorry we have to wait so long to see what Clare does this next season.  She is as bad as he is for sure, but fascinating to watch.

The Ann with and E (Anne of Green Gables) started and I was all set for a long tale, but it was just one season.  Now we have to wait for the next series and who knows how long that will take.  It is very good.  I have watched (and read all of the books) the tapes and series on TV with at least three different Anns.  The first one was very good, the second not too good, but this one is really a good little actress. The entire cast is excellent.
Andy and I used to listen to the tapes of Anne of Green Gables as we drove long distances to do antique shows or on buying trips.  It was a good listen and Andy got hooked as well. 

Enjoy this glorious week.

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To the doctor

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