Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jungle Jim, here we come!

People are so creative.  This is a candy corn witch for your door.
 photo 897d3f3af231bd99aca7dba955cf00f4_zpssosdosfe.jpgThis Saturday Beth and I leave for Cincinnati and a girls gone wild day out with ten ladies of Cincinnati.  It may take two cars to get us to our destinations, but we will get there for sure.  I have new shoes that should take me through the six acres with no trouble at all.
The doctor would not give me a cortisone shot for my leg.  He said I should get shoes with structure.(He was right, so it seems.)  Have you ever been in one of those store that fit your shoes as they once did years ago, measuring and inserting and blessing you with movable body parts once you find the right fit?  Easton Shoes has been in business for many years.  Beth and I went on Sunday to return a pair that was not working to exchange for a different brand.  The place was so crowded with bad feet that each worker had three customers at a time and yet found time to fit us all...for a great deal of money.  The are designer shoes of a different kind and just as expensive...but not as pretty. I am satisfied and think my boots are stylish and even one of the pairs of shoes is just as perky as the boots, but it is the Mary Jane's that will carry me through the day. (They are made in Austria and it's a Finn brand that suit my needs.)

 Don't these nuts look delicious with both white and black sesame seeds?

2 cups cashews
3 tablespoons of white and black sesame seeds
1/3 cup maple syrup
2 teaspoons coconut oil
mix together, place on baking sheet spread out mixture
broil 5 minutes or until each piece is crunchy and a little brown
toss with kosher salt to taste and enjoy

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To the doctor

We are off to the doctor to have Andy checked out since he has had two falls.  We thought to wait until his appointment on the 20th, but aft...