I'd like this critter to take on Kanye West next...is anyone else sick of this man? They should ban him from award shows or strap him to his seat. He is totally out of hand as a human being.
Nate has invited me to join him on his travels next winter. Just the two of us. I figure he thinks he had better do it now while I am still on foot. We once talked about Peru, but I think we might settle on Viking River cruises in Europe. He is looking for a good well rounded package and I just have to sit back and enjoy his maturity. There is goodness in aging and letting someone else steer the ship. He has traveled Italy, Greece and Turkey this winter. He thinks the people of Turkey are among the kindest he has ever met.
Beth and I went to Macy's at Lane Avenue yesterday. That store is shutting down. I think it is so sad. That was one of the Lazarus stores and when Lazarus closed down all of its stores, Macy's moved in and now it is going away too. We bought a lovely area rug for the library at 70% off. I find it so sad when a business closes. Over in that same back- up- and- coming neighborhood we went to a Mexican restaurant and I bet you a dollar it is next to close. It is down right spooky when all you hear is the President saying the economy is doing well.
I will be getting back to cooking one of these days. Andy and I went to Carfagna's (an Italian speciality market) today and I bought some delicious possibilities. I am just sluggish about cooking at the moment. I have started a puzzle and have it well on its way and am still reading up a storm. I am waiting by the door for Lisa Gardner's new book Touch and Go to be delivered. Life is good and never boring.
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