The Cake Doctor by Anne Byrn is a book that I bought several years ago. There are 150 recipes using cake mixes to create luscious desserts with honest-to-goodness from -scratch taste. Today I made the holy cow cake and we had it for the workers and family working the move. It was gone at lunch. This is a delicious poke cake. The recipe and picture are in the post before this one. I am a great fan of cake mixes and find I have time to do a lot more things if I don't have to do all the steps necessary for a from- scratch cake. No one as yet has said, oh, this tastes like a box cake. They have improved the cakes beyond belief and continue doing so. So, I'm a fan. This is a large paper back book with black and white pictures showing how the dessert should look, but it is not a glossy high end coffee table type book. It is a down to earth, I'm in a jam, get it on the table type of book. I like it.
Another thing we tried today is Kinsen plum wine. Everyone who had a glass enjoyed it. It is a sweet dessert type of wine; exploring the fruit wines is an interesting thought. I am going to make a wine run, because after the days of toiling it is nice to have a drink or a glass of wine and shoot the breeze about the days' accomplishments. I am not a big wine drinker, especially American wines, they give me a head ache, so a taste of this one was fine. But if you like California wine, get a bottle, chill it well, and enjoy a sweet treat.
This coming week we may need more than wine to get us through. The landscaper is coming and will be here most of the week and we are expanding the driveway and redoing its configuration to accommodate more cars. And, we are looking into an elevator, then there is the last of the move. So pray for us, we are going to need it. LOL (I'll be baking and cooking all week so I'll let you know what is successful.
One thing that was special today was angel hair pasta cooked, drained, and tossed in olive oil in a skillet with caramelized onions, green peppers, soy sauce, Worcester sauce, pepper, (salt to taste, be careful) hot sauce and topped with langoustine tails from Trader Joes frozen fish department. So fast and easy. Taste as you go is the only recipe. Add what you like.
Have you seen one of these?

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