Saturday, June 29, 2013

She's Cooked Her Goose

It is easy to do.  One little slip of the tongue to a touchy person looking for a big pay out and Food Network TV runs like the devil is after them. Hamming it up on three TV shows making them millions was evidently not enough for Smithfield either and they ran.  No amount of 'I'm sorry' is ever enough now days. We build people up and tear them down even faster. It happens time after time.  Luckily she can go away and lick her wounds with plenty of money to live on for the rest of her life.  She over came one obstacle after another and worked as hard as she could and earned her money the hard way. Now allow me to say I could not watch her because the y'alls (or however it's said) and the over acting drove me crazy, but she could cook and she was a worker and she was a happy woman.  If the manager of her restaurant was unhappy, then, as Judge Judy says: MOVE, don't eat the steak and then say I didn't like it, so I'm not paying for it. This is not the first time Food Network TV has run and not backed its people. They are getting too big for their britches. Now that nearly every recipe can be found on the Internet, I think their time is limited any way.

Why is it these disgusting songs about women and what needs to be done to them to keep them in line isn't an issue?  Why can some say certain words and others (with money usually) can't? We have become so thin-skinned it's a wonder anyone gets on TV or gives an interview any more.  My advice to her is to take her money, keep her mouth shut, move, and enjoy the rest of her short life.  She's no spring chicken...oops, am I allowed to say that?

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